[8:43:51 AM] Troy Symington: Hey! You there?
[8:44:07 AM] Katie Symington: hi!
[8:44:16 AM] Katie Symington: What's up bud?
[8:44:22 AM] Katie Symington: I hear you are back in Firenze!
[8:44:49 AM] Troy Symington: Yup got back yesterday (and had to go to school today... which sucked).
[8:45:04 AM] Troy Symington: By the way... I hate Picassa. Just sayin'
[8:45:59 AM] Katie Symington: lol me tambien. porque?
[8:46:57 AM] Troy Symington: Because I accidently deleted these two pictures and now I can't get them back into the folder!
[8:47:11 AM] Troy Symington: Plus you know... everything else that is wrong with it!
[8:47:52 AM] Katie Symington: hee. poor boy!
[8:47:59 AM] Katie Symington: how was your first day of school--again?
[8:48:46 AM] Troy Symington: Fine. Nothing to special happened. In Physical Anthro we're learning about primates and in Italian we pretty much talked the whole class about our spring breaks.
[8:56:14 AM] Troy Symington: You there?
[9:16:01 AM] Katie Symington: oops
[9:16:03 AM] Katie Symington: sorry!
[9:16:18 AM] Katie Symington: I forgot I was talking with youi and shut the computer to have breakfast with nick!
[9:16:41 AM] Troy Symington: Way to ignore the brother you haven't spoken to in days!
[9:16:58 AM] Katie Symington: I'm SORRY! I forgot I had a brother, because he never skypes me!
[9:17:01 AM] Katie Symington: :O
[9:17:34 AM] Katie Symington: plus, you know, eggs. they're distracting.
[9:17:46 AM] Troy Symington: Not. My. Fault.
[9:17:54 AM] Katie Symington: Sounds like you had bunches of fun though!
[9:18:27 AM] Troy Symington: Of course! Did you hear all about it from Mom? I don't wanna repeat everything I already told her.
[9:18:42 AM] Katie Symington: Yes, I did. Schnitzel!
[9:18:54 AM] Katie Symington: Hmmmm, what are you missing here?
[9:18:59 AM] Katie Symington: Oh!
[9:19:10 AM] Katie Symington: Nick is trying to get into the Air Force officer program to be an engineer.
[9:19:44 AM] Troy Symington: ZOMG! That's really cool. But he'd be away from home a lot : (
[9:20:42 AM] Katie Symington: He would say I want one of these bases to work on, and they would say "We'll take that into account" and then ship him where they need him. It would be for four years after he graduates, and he'd get 3K a month before graduating just to go to school and do some stuff. But I'd go with him, bud.
[9:20:52 AM] Katie Symington: So we'd be away from home a lot :(
[9:21:07 AM] Katie Symington: We're hoping, if he does it, that he gets assigned to the Bay Area base, or even LA
[9:22:01 AM] Troy Symington: Wow. It's a lot to think about. But It sure would be an awesome experience!
[9:23:00 AM] Katie Symington: It would, and having the Air Force on his resume would be extra awesome too! He's excited about the work he would be doing- research and development
[9:23:02 AM] Katie Symington: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1848568622/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d1_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1YXGA4F0P2M3HNX51KPM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846
[9:23:58 AM] Troy Symington: Omg... why is there a book?
[9:24:07 AM] Katie Symington: I know right?!
[9:24:10 AM] Katie Symington: nph blogged it!
[9:24:52 AM] Troy Symington: Huh! Speaking of NPH I watched a couple more How i Met Your Mother's today!
[9:25:32 AM] Katie Symington: yay!
[9:25:33 AM] Katie Symington: did you see the latest one?
[9:25:37 AM] Katie Symington: with barney's dad?
[9:25:41 AM] Katie Symington: it was sad
[9:26:56 AM] Troy Symington: Yup. They started addressing slightly more... sobering issues in that one. But still funny!
[9:27:10 AM] Katie Symington: indeedy!
[9:29:55 AM] Troy Symington: Sooooo.... how's school
[9:29:56 AM] Troy Symington: ?
[9:30:21 AM] Katie Symington: meh. I leave in an hour and have to take two quizzes beforehand and print out a research proposal that i worked on for two hours last night with my group
[9:30:34 AM] Katie Symington: and another project is due tonight
[9:30:37 AM] Katie Symington: it's okay
[9:31:46 AM] Troy Symington: I'm happy for you...
[9:32:04 AM] Katie Symington: ME TOOOOO
[9:32:11 AM] Katie Symington: He always beats me! And I beat him! woohoo!
[9:32:14 AM] Katie Symington: :D
[9:32:34 AM] Katie Symington: gah, i'm tired.
[9:34:01 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, YOU'RE tired? I'm the one who woke up at 5:00 yesterday morning (after daylight savings so it was really 4) in order to catch a train for a 10 hour train ride!
[9:34:12 AM] Katie Symington: eeeew that is sucky!
[9:34:19 AM] Katie Symington: ten hours! were the seats comfy?
[9:34:25 AM] Katie Symington: was it like the hogwarts train with food and stuff?
[9:37:16 AM] Troy Symington: Well, there were two change-overs, so 3 trains in totall. The first one in Austria was really nice!
[9:37:30 AM] Katie Symington: Austria! You were in Austria!
[9:37:35 AM] Katie Symington: hey where are the pics?
[9:39:47 AM] Troy Symington: I'm posting them right now. Remember how I was being pissed off at Picassa? This is why.
[9:46:05 AM] Katie Symington: lol pooooooor boy
[9:46:55 AM] Troy Symington: They're being uploaded as we speak, so you should be able to see them in a few minutes.
[9:47:33 AM] Katie Symington: excellent!
[9:48:11 AM] Katie Symington: stupid websitesr for quizzes suck
[9:48:54 AM] Troy Symington: Websitesr is a word now?
[9:49:00 AM] Katie Symington: shaddup ;)
[9:50:04 AM] Troy Symington: Hehe. Heeeey... websites for quizzes? Katie, are you trying to cheat? Do I need to fly back home and give you a talking to?
[9:50:25 AM] Katie Symington: lol
[9:50:49 AM] Katie Symington: It is the textbook publisher's website with online quizzes for you to take, and we turn in our quizzes in class
[9:52:06 AM] Troy Symington: Ohhhhhhhh. I suppose that's ok then : )
[9:52:11 AM] Katie Symington: though I do cheat.
[9:52:35 AM] Katie Symington: You can take it as many times as you want and they give you the answer if you get it wrong! So I just click random answers, copy the correct ones, and then redo it!
[9:52:46 AM] Katie Symington: ....which is BAD, Troy, so don't do it.
[9:54:01 AM] Troy Symington: Why, I would never! How dare you dirty my good name with such a presumptuous accussation!
[9:54:14 AM] Katie Symington: accusations?
[9:54:19 AM] Katie Symington: acussassasttssions!
[9:54:32 AM] Katie Symington: How dare you accuse me of accusseing you!
[9:55:53 AM] Katie Symington: yay, my research quiz finally let me on the website! phew!
[9:57:36 AM] Troy Symington: How dare you acccuuuuusse me of such a bourgeois act as missspelling thngs!
[9:59:28 AM] Katie Symington: ooooooh good word! And your flagrent mispelings are forceing my braine to stagnat!
[10:00:12 AM] Troy Symington: Nuh uh!
[10:01:34 AM] Katie Symington: uhhuh!
[10:01:42 AM] Katie Symington: lol just like emperor's new groove!
[10:01:58 AM] Katie Symington: nuhuh uhhuh nuhuh uhhuh nuhuh uhhuh
[10:02:02 AM] Katie Symington: uhuh!
[10:02:36 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, I haven't seen that movie in forever!
[10:02:43 AM] Katie Symington: I love it.
[10:02:54 AM] Katie Symington: Carden has it, but I never can stay to watch the whole thing! Drives me nuts.
[10:02:58 AM] Katie Symington: Someday I'll own it.
[10:02:59 AM] Katie Symington: ;)
[10:03:15 AM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo mr, I gotta get going. I have to get ready and get my stuff organized and leave in a half hour
[10:03:44 AM] Katie Symington: Oh wait!
[10:03:52 AM] Troy Symington: Okay, you have a good day at school and whatnot.
[10:03:54 AM] Katie Symington: How are you doing your taxes? they're due April 15th
[10:04:05 AM] Katie Symington: and you sleep well
[10:04:14 AM] Troy Symington: ...Dad's doing them for me.
[10:04:19 AM] Katie Symington: lucky guy!
[10:04:25 AM] Troy Symington: I know right1
[10:04:27 AM] Troy Symington: ?
[10:04:33 AM] Katie Symington: Okay,
[10:04:39 AM] Katie Symington: ....eurgh, that was a bad misspellllling
[10:04:41 AM] Katie Symington: 1@!
[10:04:46 AM] Katie Symington: ;)
[10:04:59 AM] Katie Symington: ninight buddy!
[10:05:13 AM] Troy Symington: Don't make fun of me! My finger slipped and once you hit enter there's no going back!
[10:05:16 AM] Troy Symington: Love ya!
[10:05:26 AM] Katie Symington: Love ya too! :D (misspelllere)
[10:05:34 AM] Katie Symington: adios!
[10:05:39 AM] Troy Symington: Ciao!
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