[8:43:51 AM] Troy Symington: Hey! You there?
[8:44:07 AM] Katie Symington: hi!
[8:44:16 AM] Katie Symington: What's up bud?
[8:44:22 AM] Katie Symington: I hear you are back in Firenze!
[8:44:49 AM] Troy Symington: Yup got back yesterday (and had to go to school today... which sucked).
[8:45:04 AM] Troy Symington: By the way... I hate Picassa. Just sayin'
[8:45:59 AM] Katie Symington: lol me tambien. porque?
[8:46:57 AM] Troy Symington: Because I accidently deleted these two pictures and now I can't get them back into the folder!
[8:47:11 AM] Troy Symington: Plus you know... everything else that is wrong with it!
[8:47:52 AM] Katie Symington: hee. poor boy!
[8:47:59 AM] Katie Symington: how was your first day of school--again?
[8:48:46 AM] Troy Symington: Fine. Nothing to special happened. In Physical Anthro we're learning about primates and in Italian we pretty much talked the whole class about our spring breaks.
[8:56:14 AM] Troy Symington: You there?
[9:16:01 AM] Katie Symington: oops
[9:16:03 AM] Katie Symington: sorry!
[9:16:18 AM] Katie Symington: I forgot I was talking with youi and shut the computer to have breakfast with nick!
[9:16:41 AM] Troy Symington: Way to ignore the brother you haven't spoken to in days!
[9:16:58 AM] Katie Symington: I'm SORRY! I forgot I had a brother, because he never skypes me!
[9:17:01 AM] Katie Symington: :O
[9:17:34 AM] Katie Symington: plus, you know, eggs. they're distracting.
[9:17:46 AM] Troy Symington: Not. My. Fault.
[9:17:54 AM] Katie Symington: Sounds like you had bunches of fun though!
[9:18:27 AM] Troy Symington: Of course! Did you hear all about it from Mom? I don't wanna repeat everything I already told her.
[9:18:42 AM] Katie Symington: Yes, I did. Schnitzel!
[9:18:54 AM] Katie Symington: Hmmmm, what are you missing here?
[9:18:59 AM] Katie Symington: Oh!
[9:19:10 AM] Katie Symington: Nick is trying to get into the Air Force officer program to be an engineer.
[9:19:44 AM] Troy Symington: ZOMG! That's really cool. But he'd be away from home a lot : (
[9:20:42 AM] Katie Symington: He would say I want one of these bases to work on, and they would say "We'll take that into account" and then ship him where they need him. It would be for four years after he graduates, and he'd get 3K a month before graduating just to go to school and do some stuff. But I'd go with him, bud.
[9:20:52 AM] Katie Symington: So we'd be away from home a lot :(
[9:21:07 AM] Katie Symington: We're hoping, if he does it, that he gets assigned to the Bay Area base, or even LA
[9:22:01 AM] Troy Symington: Wow. It's a lot to think about. But It sure would be an awesome experience!
[9:23:00 AM] Katie Symington: It would, and having the Air Force on his resume would be extra awesome too! He's excited about the work he would be doing- research and development
[9:23:02 AM] Katie Symington: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1848568622/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d1_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1YXGA4F0P2M3HNX51KPM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846
[9:23:58 AM] Troy Symington: Omg... why is there a book?
[9:24:07 AM] Katie Symington: I know right?!
[9:24:10 AM] Katie Symington: nph blogged it!
[9:24:52 AM] Troy Symington: Huh! Speaking of NPH I watched a couple more How i Met Your Mother's today!
[9:25:32 AM] Katie Symington: yay!
[9:25:33 AM] Katie Symington: did you see the latest one?
[9:25:37 AM] Katie Symington: with barney's dad?
[9:25:41 AM] Katie Symington: it was sad
[9:26:56 AM] Troy Symington: Yup. They started addressing slightly more... sobering issues in that one. But still funny!
[9:27:10 AM] Katie Symington: indeedy!
[9:29:55 AM] Troy Symington: Sooooo.... how's school
[9:29:56 AM] Troy Symington: ?
[9:30:21 AM] Katie Symington: meh. I leave in an hour and have to take two quizzes beforehand and print out a research proposal that i worked on for two hours last night with my group
[9:30:34 AM] Katie Symington: and another project is due tonight
[9:30:37 AM] Katie Symington: it's okay
[9:31:46 AM] Troy Symington: I'm happy for you...
[9:32:04 AM] Katie Symington: ME TOOOOO
[9:32:11 AM] Katie Symington: He always beats me! And I beat him! woohoo!
[9:32:14 AM] Katie Symington: :D
[9:32:34 AM] Katie Symington: gah, i'm tired.
[9:34:01 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, YOU'RE tired? I'm the one who woke up at 5:00 yesterday morning (after daylight savings so it was really 4) in order to catch a train for a 10 hour train ride!
[9:34:12 AM] Katie Symington: eeeew that is sucky!
[9:34:19 AM] Katie Symington: ten hours! were the seats comfy?
[9:34:25 AM] Katie Symington: was it like the hogwarts train with food and stuff?
[9:37:16 AM] Troy Symington: Well, there were two change-overs, so 3 trains in totall. The first one in Austria was really nice!
[9:37:30 AM] Katie Symington: Austria! You were in Austria!
[9:37:35 AM] Katie Symington: hey where are the pics?
[9:39:47 AM] Troy Symington: I'm posting them right now. Remember how I was being pissed off at Picassa? This is why.
[9:46:05 AM] Katie Symington: lol pooooooor boy
[9:46:55 AM] Troy Symington: They're being uploaded as we speak, so you should be able to see them in a few minutes.
[9:47:33 AM] Katie Symington: excellent!
[9:48:11 AM] Katie Symington: stupid websitesr for quizzes suck
[9:48:54 AM] Troy Symington: Websitesr is a word now?
[9:49:00 AM] Katie Symington: shaddup ;)
[9:50:04 AM] Troy Symington: Hehe. Heeeey... websites for quizzes? Katie, are you trying to cheat? Do I need to fly back home and give you a talking to?
[9:50:25 AM] Katie Symington: lol
[9:50:49 AM] Katie Symington: It is the textbook publisher's website with online quizzes for you to take, and we turn in our quizzes in class
[9:52:06 AM] Troy Symington: Ohhhhhhhh. I suppose that's ok then : )
[9:52:11 AM] Katie Symington: though I do cheat.
[9:52:35 AM] Katie Symington: You can take it as many times as you want and they give you the answer if you get it wrong! So I just click random answers, copy the correct ones, and then redo it!
[9:52:46 AM] Katie Symington: ....which is BAD, Troy, so don't do it.
[9:54:01 AM] Troy Symington: Why, I would never! How dare you dirty my good name with such a presumptuous accussation!
[9:54:14 AM] Katie Symington: accusations?
[9:54:19 AM] Katie Symington: acussassasttssions!
[9:54:32 AM] Katie Symington: How dare you accuse me of accusseing you!
[9:55:53 AM] Katie Symington: yay, my research quiz finally let me on the website! phew!
[9:57:36 AM] Troy Symington: How dare you acccuuuuusse me of such a bourgeois act as missspelling thngs!
[9:59:28 AM] Katie Symington: ooooooh good word! And your flagrent mispelings are forceing my braine to stagnat!
[10:00:12 AM] Troy Symington: Nuh uh!
[10:01:34 AM] Katie Symington: uhhuh!
[10:01:42 AM] Katie Symington: lol just like emperor's new groove!
[10:01:58 AM] Katie Symington: nuhuh uhhuh nuhuh uhhuh nuhuh uhhuh
[10:02:02 AM] Katie Symington: uhuh!
[10:02:36 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, I haven't seen that movie in forever!
[10:02:43 AM] Katie Symington: I love it.
[10:02:54 AM] Katie Symington: Carden has it, but I never can stay to watch the whole thing! Drives me nuts.
[10:02:58 AM] Katie Symington: Someday I'll own it.
[10:02:59 AM] Katie Symington: ;)
[10:03:15 AM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo mr, I gotta get going. I have to get ready and get my stuff organized and leave in a half hour
[10:03:44 AM] Katie Symington: Oh wait!
[10:03:52 AM] Troy Symington: Okay, you have a good day at school and whatnot.
[10:03:54 AM] Katie Symington: How are you doing your taxes? they're due April 15th
[10:04:05 AM] Katie Symington: and you sleep well
[10:04:14 AM] Troy Symington: ...Dad's doing them for me.
[10:04:19 AM] Katie Symington: lucky guy!
[10:04:25 AM] Troy Symington: I know right1
[10:04:27 AM] Troy Symington: ?
[10:04:33 AM] Katie Symington: Okay,
[10:04:39 AM] Katie Symington: ....eurgh, that was a bad misspellllling
[10:04:41 AM] Katie Symington: 1@!
[10:04:46 AM] Katie Symington: ;)
[10:04:59 AM] Katie Symington: ninight buddy!
[10:05:13 AM] Troy Symington: Don't make fun of me! My finger slipped and once you hit enter there's no going back!
[10:05:16 AM] Troy Symington: Love ya!
[10:05:26 AM] Katie Symington: Love ya too! :D (misspelllere)
[10:05:34 AM] Katie Symington: adios!
[10:05:39 AM] Troy Symington: Ciao!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Catching Up
[12:29:12 PM] Katie Symington: troy-o!
[12:29:18 PM] Katie Symington: What you up to?
[12:31:14 PM] Troy Symington: I'm trying to find mom and dad! They're not contacting me! I just knocked on their hotel room door for like five minutes! I just got back home (luckily their hotel is like 5 minutes away).
[12:31:35 PM] Katie Symington: Whoa, are they in Florence now?
[12:32:01 PM] Katie Symington: You could always ask the hotel front office about them, maybe they saw them go out or they asked for information about where to go.
[12:32:37 PM] Troy Symington: Yeah, they arrived at like 5. They sent me a facebook message saying that they're here, but I didn't get back from Napoli until 8.
[12:33:01 PM] Katie Symington: what time is it now?
[12:33:06 PM] Katie Symington: ah 9:30?
[12:33:11 PM] Troy Symington: yup
[12:33:13 PM] Katie Symington: they must be exploring!
[12:33:17 PM] Katie Symington: Do they know where to find you?
[12:33:40 PM] Troy Symington: Nope. Because they won't contact me. I don't think that they even know I'm back in the city.
[12:35:21 PM] Katie Symington: oh no!
[12:35:43 PM] Katie Symington: Well, perhaps you could slip a note under their door telling them you are here, and to come by and visit you! Give them your schedule for tomorrow or something.
[12:36:18 PM] Troy Symington: I'm already back home and I've sent them a fb message.
[12:37:27 PM] Katie Symington: Well there you go!
[12:37:40 PM] Katie Symington: So how are you buddy? Now was Napoli?
[12:37:44 PM] Katie Symington: *How
[12:39:44 PM] Troy Symington: Napoli was awesome! The city itself was kinda disgusting and totally filled with trash, but there were some really cool sights and Pompeii was awesome!
[12:40:13 PM] Katie Symington: Pompeii! How exciting, what did you do there?
[12:42:18 PM] Troy Symington: We explored the ruins! There's soooo many ruins but alot of it was blocked off unless your part of a tour and there wasn't too much info available there. There was more in the Museo di Archeological Nazionale in Napoli. Today we saw La Capella Sansavero (a mausoleum/museum) which had the really, really famous Veiled Christ statue and omg... my mind was blown.
[12:42:53 PM] Katie Symington: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html
[12:43:15 PM] Katie Symington: I sure hope that there are some pictures for you to put up! I'd love to see what you saw.
[12:44:09 PM] Troy Symington: Did you send me this link purely because I typed "omg"?
[12:44:19 PM] Katie Symington: because you typed "alot"
[12:44:39 PM] Katie Symington: it's "a lot" and this is a hilarious blogger. you must read it.
[12:46:23 PM] Troy Symington: One type-o and you find this necessary? You're a silly face.
[12:46:58 PM] Katie Symington: She is the most freaking hilarious blogger ever, Troy, and knowing about the existence of the Alot is necessary!
[12:47:08 PM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo. What are you doing now?
[12:50:15 PM] Troy Symington: Talking to you while attempting to do homework. Oh! I typed on an Italian keyboard for the first time yesterday, and it was reeeeaaaally weird. The apostrophes and left shift key are TOTALLY in the wrong spot, and there's a whole different button which is like a shift key except it gives you a third option so it totally took me like five minutes to figure out how to use an @ symbol...
[12:50:37 PM] Katie Symington: LOL
[12:50:42 PM] Katie Symington: what hw do you have?
[12:51:50 PM] Troy Symington: Physical anthro. We just had a test the other day and I totally aced it! (which isn't saying much because all of our classes are kind easy).
[12:51:58 PM] Katie Symington: FABU!
[12:52:25 PM] Troy Symington: Katie... fabu is worse than alot.
[12:52:32 PM] Katie Symington: I'm bringin' fabu back (Yeah!)
[12:52:53 PM] Troy Symington: ...
[12:53:29 PM] Troy Symington: If I weren't 5000 miles away I would bop you on the head.
[12:53:29 PM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo. I just got back from Nick's parent's, it's his mom's b-day and we had blueberry pancakes over there, and then cleaned the garage and I trimmed their dog's toenails and we came back home and Nick left for Sac
[12:53:50 PM] Katie Symington: and last night we were all at his grandparents to celebrate three b-days intheir family and I had PRIME RIB and delicious foods and held a 4 month old baby boy
[12:53:56 PM] Katie Symington: and now I have a ton of hw and cleaning adn stuff to do
[12:54:11 PM] Katie Symington: and I'm fixing myf ish tank. It is covered in algae, my fish are unhappy, and the water chemistry's off.
[12:54:19 PM] Katie Symington: and I'm about to eat crackers and avocado
[12:54:29 PM] Katie Symington: and the internets here is SLOW
[12:54:33 PM] Troy Symington: Cool! (besides the hw and cleaning). How are your classes and work?
[12:55:26 PM] Katie Symington: all bueno! I just did progress reports for all my kids which took a while, and teaching is still fun! My school classes are all good, but the projects are piling up and midterms are upon me in the next two weeks!
[12:58:45 PM] Troy Symington: Ahhhh! I know the feeling. But again, all my classes over here are pretty easy so I don't think I'm gonna hafta deal with that very much! That's awesome that you're still enjoying working there! Is it difficult to write progress reports? I don't think I'd be able to give out bad grades.
[1:00:42 PM] Katie Symington: For the younger grades it's S for Satisfactory with a few Excellents! The older grades get letter graded on their behavior, typing, projects, and overall. I can write comments if I want but I only did for a few.
[1:01:17 PM] Katie Symington: It was fun. A litle tedious at times but overall interesting to do!
[1:01:34 PM] Katie Symington: Okay, my new favorite thing is avocado on stoned wheat thins.
[1:02:24 PM] Troy Symington: That's great! (The school thing, not the avocado thing... it would be great but I don't have any right now so I'm jealous).
[1:02:44 PM] Katie Symington: heeee
[1:02:49 PM] Katie Symington: I'm about out! Very sad.
[1:03:05 PM] Troy Symington: I realized today that I totally should have asked mom and dad to bring me peanut butter.
[1:03:20 PM] Katie Symington: Is there no peanut butter in Italy?
[1:03:22 PM] Katie Symington: Weird!
[1:03:25 PM] Katie Symington: Buy peanuts and grind your own!
[1:04:26 PM] Troy Symington: There's peanut butter but it's RIDICULOUSLY expensive. My roommate Sean was asking earlier today how much it would be to ship peanut butter over from the US!
[1:11:54 PM] Katie Symington: lol wow!
[1:12:02 PM] Katie Symington: how expensive???
[1:13:00 PM] Troy Symington: Hey! Sorry but the internet quit on us for a minute there! Peanut butter is about 4.50 euro for a really tiny jar!
[1:13:11 PM] Katie Symington: Yikes a doodle!
[1:13:34 PM] Katie Symington: Guess you will just have to suffer without it. What about different types of butters--almond or a different type?
[1:14:32 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, it's kinda weird to think that you don't know this stuff! Nutella is sooooo popular over here! It's in all of the pastries and the candy bars and just about everything else!
[1:14:51 PM] Katie Symington: wow!
[1:15:02 PM] Katie Symington: but nutella is so sweet. I was thinking something similar to peanut butter. Do they have different kinds or are they as expensive?
[1:15:49 PM] Troy Symington: I haven't seen anything else. You can probably get others but I dunno.
[1:16:01 PM] Katie Symington: huh.
[1:16:10 PM] Katie Symington: Well I sure am glad I actually get to talk with you today! Usually you're all "gotta go!"
[1:16:20 PM] Katie Symington: :)
[1:16:38 PM] Katie Symington: How is the weather in Italy now? It is raining on and off today here.
[1:18:33 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, well I SHOULD be doing homework! It's warmed up in Florence over the weekend and it was mostly sunny here I guess, which is too bad because in Naples it was raining ALL day on Saturday (which made Pompeii kinda miserable because we were all totally soaked). It was sunny in Naples today though.
[1:19:03 PM] Katie Symington: Dude, how cool is it that you are just tossing out words like "Pompeii" and "Naples"??? YOU'RE IN FREAKING ITALY!!!
[1:20:21 PM] Katie Symington: AAAAIIIIEEEEEE! SOOOO COOOL!!!
[1:20:28 PM] Katie Symington: :D
[1:20:42 PM] Katie Symington: I love just tossing out, "My brother's studying abroad in Florence. Oh, and my parents just flew to Venice."
[1:20:57 PM] Katie Symington: (Except moi)
[1:22:14 PM] Troy Symington: Well... get rich and go travelling! I'll take you to the carribean in my yacht (because in this fantasy I'm rich too)!
[1:23:38 PM] Katie Symington: Such a nice brother ;)
[1:24:12 PM] Katie Symington: The dogs say hi, btw. and Io is walking around yawning. Oz was fascinaed by the fish tank yesterday
[1:24:34 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, good. How is the remodeling coming?
[1:26:20 PM] Katie Symington: the counters are beautiful and the stove, new sink, new faucet, and dishwasher are back in. the dishwasher isn't attached yet because the floors are not put in, so we're walking on the stuff that goes under the tile. The dishwasher tries to tip over if you don't hold it up when loading it! the bathroom downstairs is totally gutted and the new shower floor/concrete bit is going in to cover the huge hole that was in the floor. the entire house is full of dust from the tile bein irpped up and it is still settling!
[1:28:59 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, wow. It's going to be so weird going home with everything totally different!
[1:30:05 PM] Katie Symington: it will look totally gorgeous! mom and dad just chose the tile for the floor--it's kind of hard to explain. It's a similar sized tile, kind of beige/brown with a bit of gray to mach the counters, and the brown to match the cabinets. It's very soothing, the design of it is kind of like sand swirled around so it's not too busy.
[1:30:52 PM] Troy Symington: Molto bene!
[1:31:14 PM] Katie Symington: Yeppers!
[1:31:33 PM] Katie Symington: Ugh totally ahve hw to do today and don't want toooo! I'm having fun researching stuff for my fish tank!
[1:32:20 PM] Troy Symington: I totally have hw to do and I want to go to sleep soon! But I can procrastinate long enough to talk to my sister.
[1:34:39 PM] Katie Symington: :)
[1:34:41 PM] Katie Symington: yay!
[1:35:00 PM] Katie Symington: It's like 10:30 now, though, right? you should probably get to work.
[1:36:12 PM] Troy Symington: Eh. The awesome thing about living with fellow college kids: you can stay up as late as you want and you get used to not having enough sleep. (Although I'm kinda sick so I probably should get some sleep).
[1:36:29 PM] Katie Symington: sick? you got a cold?
[1:37:14 PM] Troy Symington: I've been coughing so much and my throats been really sore for the past day or two. But I have some tea right now and that helps a lot.
[1:40:48 PM] Troy Symington: Yo! You there?
[1:45:57 PM] Katie Symington: sorry!
[1:45:59 PM] Katie Symington: i'm here!
[1:46:16 PM] Katie Symington: Sorry bud, got caught up readin about otocinclus'!
[1:46:21 PM] Katie Symington: what kind of tea?
[1:46:51 PM] Katie Symington: when you see mom and dad please bop them on the head for me too, because I sent them a big facebook message a few days a go and they haven't responded at all!
[1:47:31 PM] Troy Symington: They've been really bad about that! They didn't even let me know that they were alive when they got to Venice! It's green tea, it's not bad.
[1:47:44 PM] Katie Symington: me neither! just that facebook wall post!
[1:48:48 PM] Troy Symington: They would be so angry if we were doing that to them!
[1:48:53 PM] Katie Symington: i know!
[1:48:59 PM] Katie Symington: mom promised she would write me!
[1:49:18 PM] Katie Symington: omg the dogs are running on the ripped up floor and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard! so totally trimming their nails!!!
[1:49:29 PM] Troy Symington: Do it!
[1:49:39 PM] Katie Symington: ;)
[1:51:13 PM] Troy Symington: Sooo... what's on the agenda for you this week?
[1:52:06 PM] Katie Symington: monday school from 10-7 and i drive to sac from mv. tues work 9-2 then home cuz class was canceled in the evening. wed school 10-4ish. thurs work 9-5. fri work 2-5.
[1:52:29 PM] Katie Symington: i visited nanny yesterday for a few hours. i'll be calling her daily and try to visit again.
[1:52:57 PM] Troy Symington: How's she doing? I haven't talked to her at all since coming here!
[1:53:16 PM] Troy Symington: I keep meaning to send her a postcard... maybe I'll send it back with mom and dad.
[1:53:32 PM] Katie Symington: well! she had an international dinner last night at the church up the hill, she was playin cards when i got there. She would LOVE postcard! Write as much as you can on it, k?
[1:53:48 PM] Troy Symington: Will do!
[1:56:33 PM] Katie Symington: Okay bud, I need to go start laundry and get hw together. You go do hw and feel better, k? Give mom and dad a hug for me when you see them!
[1:57:37 PM] Troy Symington: If they ever contact me! Say hi to Nick and Nanny and all the animals for me! Love ya!
[12:29:18 PM] Katie Symington: What you up to?
[12:31:14 PM] Troy Symington: I'm trying to find mom and dad! They're not contacting me! I just knocked on their hotel room door for like five minutes! I just got back home (luckily their hotel is like 5 minutes away).
[12:31:35 PM] Katie Symington: Whoa, are they in Florence now?
[12:32:01 PM] Katie Symington: You could always ask the hotel front office about them, maybe they saw them go out or they asked for information about where to go.
[12:32:37 PM] Troy Symington: Yeah, they arrived at like 5. They sent me a facebook message saying that they're here, but I didn't get back from Napoli until 8.
[12:33:01 PM] Katie Symington: what time is it now?
[12:33:06 PM] Katie Symington: ah 9:30?
[12:33:11 PM] Troy Symington: yup
[12:33:13 PM] Katie Symington: they must be exploring!
[12:33:17 PM] Katie Symington: Do they know where to find you?
[12:33:40 PM] Troy Symington: Nope. Because they won't contact me. I don't think that they even know I'm back in the city.
[12:35:21 PM] Katie Symington: oh no!
[12:35:43 PM] Katie Symington: Well, perhaps you could slip a note under their door telling them you are here, and to come by and visit you! Give them your schedule for tomorrow or something.
[12:36:18 PM] Troy Symington: I'm already back home and I've sent them a fb message.
[12:37:27 PM] Katie Symington: Well there you go!
[12:37:40 PM] Katie Symington: So how are you buddy? Now was Napoli?
[12:37:44 PM] Katie Symington: *How
[12:39:44 PM] Troy Symington: Napoli was awesome! The city itself was kinda disgusting and totally filled with trash, but there were some really cool sights and Pompeii was awesome!
[12:40:13 PM] Katie Symington: Pompeii! How exciting, what did you do there?
[12:42:18 PM] Troy Symington: We explored the ruins! There's soooo many ruins but alot of it was blocked off unless your part of a tour and there wasn't too much info available there. There was more in the Museo di Archeological Nazionale in Napoli. Today we saw La Capella Sansavero (a mausoleum/museum) which had the really, really famous Veiled Christ statue and omg... my mind was blown.
[12:42:53 PM] Katie Symington: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html
[12:43:15 PM] Katie Symington: I sure hope that there are some pictures for you to put up! I'd love to see what you saw.
[12:44:09 PM] Troy Symington: Did you send me this link purely because I typed "omg"?
[12:44:19 PM] Katie Symington: because you typed "alot"
[12:44:39 PM] Katie Symington: it's "a lot" and this is a hilarious blogger. you must read it.
[12:46:23 PM] Troy Symington: One type-o and you find this necessary? You're a silly face.
[12:46:58 PM] Katie Symington: She is the most freaking hilarious blogger ever, Troy, and knowing about the existence of the Alot is necessary!
[12:47:08 PM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo. What are you doing now?
[12:50:15 PM] Troy Symington: Talking to you while attempting to do homework. Oh! I typed on an Italian keyboard for the first time yesterday, and it was reeeeaaaally weird. The apostrophes and left shift key are TOTALLY in the wrong spot, and there's a whole different button which is like a shift key except it gives you a third option so it totally took me like five minutes to figure out how to use an @ symbol...
[12:50:37 PM] Katie Symington: LOL
[12:50:42 PM] Katie Symington: what hw do you have?
[12:51:50 PM] Troy Symington: Physical anthro. We just had a test the other day and I totally aced it! (which isn't saying much because all of our classes are kind easy).
[12:51:58 PM] Katie Symington: FABU!
[12:52:25 PM] Troy Symington: Katie... fabu is worse than alot.
[12:52:32 PM] Katie Symington: I'm bringin' fabu back (Yeah!)
[12:52:53 PM] Troy Symington: ...
[12:53:29 PM] Troy Symington: If I weren't 5000 miles away I would bop you on the head.
[12:53:29 PM] Katie Symington: Anyhoo. I just got back from Nick's parent's, it's his mom's b-day and we had blueberry pancakes over there, and then cleaned the garage and I trimmed their dog's toenails and we came back home and Nick left for Sac
[12:53:50 PM] Katie Symington: and last night we were all at his grandparents to celebrate three b-days intheir family and I had PRIME RIB and delicious foods and held a 4 month old baby boy
[12:53:56 PM] Katie Symington: and now I have a ton of hw and cleaning adn stuff to do
[12:54:11 PM] Katie Symington: and I'm fixing myf ish tank. It is covered in algae, my fish are unhappy, and the water chemistry's off.
[12:54:19 PM] Katie Symington: and I'm about to eat crackers and avocado
[12:54:29 PM] Katie Symington: and the internets here is SLOW
[12:54:33 PM] Troy Symington: Cool! (besides the hw and cleaning). How are your classes and work?
[12:55:26 PM] Katie Symington: all bueno! I just did progress reports for all my kids which took a while, and teaching is still fun! My school classes are all good, but the projects are piling up and midterms are upon me in the next two weeks!
[12:58:45 PM] Troy Symington: Ahhhh! I know the feeling. But again, all my classes over here are pretty easy so I don't think I'm gonna hafta deal with that very much! That's awesome that you're still enjoying working there! Is it difficult to write progress reports? I don't think I'd be able to give out bad grades.
[1:00:42 PM] Katie Symington: For the younger grades it's S for Satisfactory with a few Excellents! The older grades get letter graded on their behavior, typing, projects, and overall. I can write comments if I want but I only did for a few.
[1:01:17 PM] Katie Symington: It was fun. A litle tedious at times but overall interesting to do!
[1:01:34 PM] Katie Symington: Okay, my new favorite thing is avocado on stoned wheat thins.
[1:02:24 PM] Troy Symington: That's great! (The school thing, not the avocado thing... it would be great but I don't have any right now so I'm jealous).
[1:02:44 PM] Katie Symington: heeee
[1:02:49 PM] Katie Symington: I'm about out! Very sad.
[1:03:05 PM] Troy Symington: I realized today that I totally should have asked mom and dad to bring me peanut butter.
[1:03:20 PM] Katie Symington: Is there no peanut butter in Italy?
[1:03:22 PM] Katie Symington: Weird!
[1:03:25 PM] Katie Symington: Buy peanuts and grind your own!
[1:04:26 PM] Troy Symington: There's peanut butter but it's RIDICULOUSLY expensive. My roommate Sean was asking earlier today how much it would be to ship peanut butter over from the US!
[1:11:54 PM] Katie Symington: lol wow!
[1:12:02 PM] Katie Symington: how expensive???
[1:13:00 PM] Troy Symington: Hey! Sorry but the internet quit on us for a minute there! Peanut butter is about 4.50 euro for a really tiny jar!
[1:13:11 PM] Katie Symington: Yikes a doodle!
[1:13:34 PM] Katie Symington: Guess you will just have to suffer without it. What about different types of butters--almond or a different type?
[1:14:32 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, it's kinda weird to think that you don't know this stuff! Nutella is sooooo popular over here! It's in all of the pastries and the candy bars and just about everything else!
[1:14:51 PM] Katie Symington: wow!
[1:15:02 PM] Katie Symington: but nutella is so sweet. I was thinking something similar to peanut butter. Do they have different kinds or are they as expensive?
[1:15:49 PM] Troy Symington: I haven't seen anything else. You can probably get others but I dunno.
[1:16:01 PM] Katie Symington: huh.
[1:16:10 PM] Katie Symington: Well I sure am glad I actually get to talk with you today! Usually you're all "gotta go!"
[1:16:20 PM] Katie Symington: :)
[1:16:38 PM] Katie Symington: How is the weather in Italy now? It is raining on and off today here.
[1:18:33 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, well I SHOULD be doing homework! It's warmed up in Florence over the weekend and it was mostly sunny here I guess, which is too bad because in Naples it was raining ALL day on Saturday (which made Pompeii kinda miserable because we were all totally soaked). It was sunny in Naples today though.
[1:19:03 PM] Katie Symington: Dude, how cool is it that you are just tossing out words like "Pompeii" and "Naples"??? YOU'RE IN FREAKING ITALY!!!
[1:20:21 PM] Katie Symington: AAAAIIIIEEEEEE! SOOOO COOOL!!!
[1:20:28 PM] Katie Symington: :D
[1:20:42 PM] Katie Symington: I love just tossing out, "My brother's studying abroad in Florence. Oh, and my parents just flew to Venice."
[1:20:57 PM] Katie Symington: (Except moi)
[1:22:14 PM] Troy Symington: Well... get rich and go travelling! I'll take you to the carribean in my yacht (because in this fantasy I'm rich too)!
[1:23:38 PM] Katie Symington: Such a nice brother ;)
[1:24:12 PM] Katie Symington: The dogs say hi, btw. and Io is walking around yawning. Oz was fascinaed by the fish tank yesterday
[1:24:34 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, good. How is the remodeling coming?
[1:26:20 PM] Katie Symington: the counters are beautiful and the stove, new sink, new faucet, and dishwasher are back in. the dishwasher isn't attached yet because the floors are not put in, so we're walking on the stuff that goes under the tile. The dishwasher tries to tip over if you don't hold it up when loading it! the bathroom downstairs is totally gutted and the new shower floor/concrete bit is going in to cover the huge hole that was in the floor. the entire house is full of dust from the tile bein irpped up and it is still settling!
[1:28:59 PM] Troy Symington: Ha, wow. It's going to be so weird going home with everything totally different!
[1:30:05 PM] Katie Symington: it will look totally gorgeous! mom and dad just chose the tile for the floor--it's kind of hard to explain. It's a similar sized tile, kind of beige/brown with a bit of gray to mach the counters, and the brown to match the cabinets. It's very soothing, the design of it is kind of like sand swirled around so it's not too busy.
[1:30:52 PM] Troy Symington: Molto bene!
[1:31:14 PM] Katie Symington: Yeppers!
[1:31:33 PM] Katie Symington: Ugh totally ahve hw to do today and don't want toooo! I'm having fun researching stuff for my fish tank!
[1:32:20 PM] Troy Symington: I totally have hw to do and I want to go to sleep soon! But I can procrastinate long enough to talk to my sister.
[1:34:39 PM] Katie Symington: :)
[1:34:41 PM] Katie Symington: yay!
[1:35:00 PM] Katie Symington: It's like 10:30 now, though, right? you should probably get to work.
[1:36:12 PM] Troy Symington: Eh. The awesome thing about living with fellow college kids: you can stay up as late as you want and you get used to not having enough sleep. (Although I'm kinda sick so I probably should get some sleep).
[1:36:29 PM] Katie Symington: sick? you got a cold?
[1:37:14 PM] Troy Symington: I've been coughing so much and my throats been really sore for the past day or two. But I have some tea right now and that helps a lot.
[1:40:48 PM] Troy Symington: Yo! You there?
[1:45:57 PM] Katie Symington: sorry!
[1:45:59 PM] Katie Symington: i'm here!
[1:46:16 PM] Katie Symington: Sorry bud, got caught up readin about otocinclus'!
[1:46:21 PM] Katie Symington: what kind of tea?
[1:46:51 PM] Katie Symington: when you see mom and dad please bop them on the head for me too, because I sent them a big facebook message a few days a go and they haven't responded at all!
[1:47:31 PM] Troy Symington: They've been really bad about that! They didn't even let me know that they were alive when they got to Venice! It's green tea, it's not bad.
[1:47:44 PM] Katie Symington: me neither! just that facebook wall post!
[1:48:48 PM] Troy Symington: They would be so angry if we were doing that to them!
[1:48:53 PM] Katie Symington: i know!
[1:48:59 PM] Katie Symington: mom promised she would write me!
[1:49:18 PM] Katie Symington: omg the dogs are running on the ripped up floor and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard! so totally trimming their nails!!!
[1:49:29 PM] Troy Symington: Do it!
[1:49:39 PM] Katie Symington: ;)
[1:51:13 PM] Troy Symington: Sooo... what's on the agenda for you this week?
[1:52:06 PM] Katie Symington: monday school from 10-7 and i drive to sac from mv. tues work 9-2 then home cuz class was canceled in the evening. wed school 10-4ish. thurs work 9-5. fri work 2-5.
[1:52:29 PM] Katie Symington: i visited nanny yesterday for a few hours. i'll be calling her daily and try to visit again.
[1:52:57 PM] Troy Symington: How's she doing? I haven't talked to her at all since coming here!
[1:53:16 PM] Troy Symington: I keep meaning to send her a postcard... maybe I'll send it back with mom and dad.
[1:53:32 PM] Katie Symington: well! she had an international dinner last night at the church up the hill, she was playin cards when i got there. She would LOVE postcard! Write as much as you can on it, k?
[1:53:48 PM] Troy Symington: Will do!
[1:56:33 PM] Katie Symington: Okay bud, I need to go start laundry and get hw together. You go do hw and feel better, k? Give mom and dad a hug for me when you see them!
[1:57:37 PM] Troy Symington: If they ever contact me! Say hi to Nick and Nanny and all the animals for me! Love ya!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Parents in Italy
[3/3/2011 7:12:28 AM] Lisa Symington: hey, sweetie. Do you miss me yet?
[12:01:47 AM] Katie Symington: I gots a mama?
[12:02:39 AM] Lisa Symington: Hey! This izza your papa!
[12:02:54 AM] Katie Symington: Daddy!
[12:02:58 AM] Katie Symington: How is Venice?
[12:03:34 AM] Lisa Symington: Mama is getting dresed-we'll eat BK soon. The room is fine-loud last nite!
[12:04:51 AM] Lisa Symington: Venice is great so far! Not sure what we'll do today.
[12:05:07 AM] Katie Symington: What is for breakfast?
[12:05:34 AM] Lisa Symington: Continental-cofffee and rolls, i think?
[12:05:52 AM] Katie Symington: Is continental the same in Italy as it is here? Enjoy it!
[12:06:06 AM] Katie Symington: I sent you guys a facebook message about what's going on here.
[12:06:41 AM] Lisa Symington: OK-thanks. We're going to eat now. Have a great day. We love you!
[12:07:03 AM] Katie Symington: Love you too! Have fun!
[12:01:47 AM] Katie Symington: I gots a mama?
[12:02:39 AM] Lisa Symington: Hey! This izza your papa!
[12:02:54 AM] Katie Symington: Daddy!
[12:02:58 AM] Katie Symington: How is Venice?
[12:03:34 AM] Lisa Symington: Mama is getting dresed-we'll eat BK soon. The room is fine-loud last nite!
[12:04:51 AM] Lisa Symington: Venice is great so far! Not sure what we'll do today.
[12:05:07 AM] Katie Symington: What is for breakfast?
[12:05:34 AM] Lisa Symington: Continental-cofffee and rolls, i think?
[12:05:52 AM] Katie Symington: Is continental the same in Italy as it is here? Enjoy it!
[12:06:06 AM] Katie Symington: I sent you guys a facebook message about what's going on here.
[12:06:41 AM] Lisa Symington: OK-thanks. We're going to eat now. Have a great day. We love you!
[12:07:03 AM] Katie Symington: Love you too! Have fun!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Three Days of Skype
[2/27/2011 10:38:11 AM] Katie Symington: whozat?
[2/27/2011 10:38:32 AM] Troy Symington: zatsme!
[2/27/2011 10:38:56 AM] Katie Symington: nowayz!
[2/27/2011 10:39:13 AM] Katie Symington: Well, what in the world have you been up to, buddy?
[2/27/2011 10:39:46 AM] Troy Symington: We just got back a couple of hours ago! I just finished uploading pictures and you HAFTA chem 'em out!
[2/27/2011 10:40:05 AM] Katie Symington: Okay! I shall! .... got back from where again?
[2/27/2011 10:40:34 AM] Troy Symington: Venice! Carnivale! Awesomeness!
[2/27/2011 10:40:46 AM] Katie Symington: Tell me about the awesomeness!
[2/27/2011 10:41:10 AM] Katie Symington: Did you buy a mask?
[2/27/2011 10:41:33 AM] Troy Symington: Of course! Check out the pics first! They tell the story better than I can!
[2/27/2011 10:41:46 AM] Katie Symington: I'm looking!
[2/27/2011 10:53:39 AM] Katie Symington: Looks super awesome bud.
[2/27/2011 10:54:32 AM] Troy Symington: I know, right?
[2/27/2011 10:55:13 AM] Katie Symington: Who's Alistair?
[2/27/2011 10:56:09 AM] Troy Symington: It was pretty cool that we spent two nights there, becuase even though we got caught up in Carnivale, we were still able to see all the classic tourist things (San Marco, Doge Palace, the Accademia).
[2/27/2011 10:56:26 AM] Troy Symington: Altair is a character from a very, very popular video game... ask Nick.
[2/27/2011 10:57:33 AM] Katie Symington: Nick is giving me a blank look. What game/
[2/27/2011 10:57:50 AM] Troy Symington: Assassins Creed.
[2/27/2011 11:01:22 AM] Katie Symington: Heh. "Oh!" he says.
[2/27/2011 11:01:28 AM] Katie Symington: So what are you doing now?
[2/27/2011 11:01:55 AM] Troy Symington: Laying on my bed thinking of getting an early start on homework but knowing that I'm too much of a procrastinator.
[2/27/2011 11:03:55 AM] Troy Symington: We just had dinner a little bit ago (pasta again). I'm starting to get sick of pasta because it's one of the few things we have to cook for dinner (everything else is so darn expensive!
[2/27/2011 11:04:17 AM] Troy Symington: Pretty much everything is really expensive over here!
[2/27/2011 11:08:16 AM] Katie Symington: that's sucky!
[2/27/2011 11:08:22 AM] Katie Symington: have you made pesto yet?
[2/27/2011 11:08:27 AM] Katie Symington: or....a cream sauce?
[2/27/2011 11:08:45 AM] Katie Symington: you could make a clam sauce too!
[2/27/2011 11:09:55 AM] Troy Symington: No. There is NO alfredo over here at all! And the kind of pesto that comes in a jar is always REALLY expensive. I suppose I could make the pesto myself but we don't have any kind of food processer to make it in!
[2/27/2011 11:10:09 AM] Katie Symington: pooor boy!
[2/27/2011 11:13:12 AM] Katie Symington: do your hw. I'm eating breakfast. I made asparagus with a poached egg with a hollandaise sauce!
[2/27/2011 11:13:32 AM] Troy Symington: Ok, I wanted to get some pb and j for sanwiches. But a tiny, tiny thing of Skippy was 4.50 euro!
[2/27/2011 11:13:40 AM] Katie Symington: aww!
[2/27/2011 11:18:28 AM] Troy Symington: Hey, I'm actually talking to mom who just called me, so I'm gonna go now!
[2/27/2011 11:18:39 AM] Katie Symington: adios!
[2/27/2011 11:18:45 AM] Troy Symington: Love ya!
[2/27/2011 11:18:54 AM] Katie Symington: love you too!
[2/27/2011 11:18:57 AM] Katie Symington: Have fun!
[3/1/2011 3:23:21 PM] Katie Symington: Troy-o!
[3/1/2011 3:25:07 PM] Troy Symington: Katie! ...o? I'm going to ignore you because it's getting late over here and I'm finishing up homework. I'll talk to ya later, okay?
[3/1/2011 3:25:42 PM] Katie Symington: Sounds good, I'm reading an article and I leave for my afternoon class in forty-five minutes. Love you!
[3/1/2011 3:26:03 PM] Troy Symington: Love!
[3/2/2011 7:53:43 AM] Katie Symington: hi!
[3/2/2011 7:54:10 AM] Troy Symington: Yo
[3/2/2011 7:54:35 AM] Katie Symington: sup?
[3/2/2011 7:56:10 AM] Troy Symington: Just got home from Italian class. Sitting down writing music and thinking about doing homework already because we're going to some friend's house for dinner!
[3/2/2011 7:56:29 AM] Katie Symington: Accent friends or Italian friends? Have you made Italian friends?
[3/2/2011 7:58:25 AM] Troy Symington: Accent friends. We've made some italian acquaintences, but not really friends. We've made a Swiss friend though!
[3/2/2011 7:58:30 AM] Katie Symington: ooooh how?
[3/2/2011 7:58:58 AM] Troy Symington: She's in the Accent program.
[3/2/2011 7:59:51 AM] Katie Symington: excellent. Tell me something exciting.
[3/2/2011 8:02:47 AM] Troy Symington: Ummmmmm... I just ate this awesome Pizza Ripiendo which is a layered pizza thing that was full of sausage and some weird vegetable that tasted oddly like brussel sprouts. It was from this tiny food stand on the way home from school that we always go to because it's cheap, filling, and delicious.
[3/2/2011 8:03:14 AM] Katie Symington: I want some! I want a calzone
[3/2/2011 8:03:39 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, the calzones over here are HUGE.
[3/2/2011 8:04:41 AM] Katie Symington: YUM
[3/2/2011 8:04:45 AM] Katie Symington: Did you see the latest himym?
[3/2/2011 8:04:53 AM] Katie Symington: with the calzone?
[3/2/2011 8:08:20 AM] Katie Symington: yo!
[3/2/2011 8:13:18 AM] Katie Symington: Let me introduce you to a concept. It is called "brb". You use it when you are going to disappear randomly.
[2/27/2011 10:38:32 AM] Troy Symington: zatsme!
[2/27/2011 10:38:56 AM] Katie Symington: nowayz!
[2/27/2011 10:39:13 AM] Katie Symington: Well, what in the world have you been up to, buddy?
[2/27/2011 10:39:46 AM] Troy Symington: We just got back a couple of hours ago! I just finished uploading pictures and you HAFTA chem 'em out!
[2/27/2011 10:40:05 AM] Katie Symington: Okay! I shall! .... got back from where again?
[2/27/2011 10:40:34 AM] Troy Symington: Venice! Carnivale! Awesomeness!
[2/27/2011 10:40:46 AM] Katie Symington: Tell me about the awesomeness!
[2/27/2011 10:41:10 AM] Katie Symington: Did you buy a mask?
[2/27/2011 10:41:33 AM] Troy Symington: Of course! Check out the pics first! They tell the story better than I can!
[2/27/2011 10:41:46 AM] Katie Symington: I'm looking!
[2/27/2011 10:53:39 AM] Katie Symington: Looks super awesome bud.
[2/27/2011 10:54:32 AM] Troy Symington: I know, right?
[2/27/2011 10:55:13 AM] Katie Symington: Who's Alistair?
[2/27/2011 10:56:09 AM] Troy Symington: It was pretty cool that we spent two nights there, becuase even though we got caught up in Carnivale, we were still able to see all the classic tourist things (San Marco, Doge Palace, the Accademia).
[2/27/2011 10:56:26 AM] Troy Symington: Altair is a character from a very, very popular video game... ask Nick.
[2/27/2011 10:57:33 AM] Katie Symington: Nick is giving me a blank look. What game/
[2/27/2011 10:57:50 AM] Troy Symington: Assassins Creed.
[2/27/2011 11:01:22 AM] Katie Symington: Heh. "Oh!" he says.
[2/27/2011 11:01:28 AM] Katie Symington: So what are you doing now?
[2/27/2011 11:01:55 AM] Troy Symington: Laying on my bed thinking of getting an early start on homework but knowing that I'm too much of a procrastinator.
[2/27/2011 11:03:55 AM] Troy Symington: We just had dinner a little bit ago (pasta again). I'm starting to get sick of pasta because it's one of the few things we have to cook for dinner (everything else is so darn expensive!
[2/27/2011 11:04:17 AM] Troy Symington: Pretty much everything is really expensive over here!
[2/27/2011 11:08:16 AM] Katie Symington: that's sucky!
[2/27/2011 11:08:22 AM] Katie Symington: have you made pesto yet?
[2/27/2011 11:08:27 AM] Katie Symington: or....a cream sauce?
[2/27/2011 11:08:45 AM] Katie Symington: you could make a clam sauce too!
[2/27/2011 11:09:55 AM] Troy Symington: No. There is NO alfredo over here at all! And the kind of pesto that comes in a jar is always REALLY expensive. I suppose I could make the pesto myself but we don't have any kind of food processer to make it in!
[2/27/2011 11:10:09 AM] Katie Symington: pooor boy!
[2/27/2011 11:13:12 AM] Katie Symington: do your hw. I'm eating breakfast. I made asparagus with a poached egg with a hollandaise sauce!
[2/27/2011 11:13:32 AM] Troy Symington: Ok, I wanted to get some pb and j for sanwiches. But a tiny, tiny thing of Skippy was 4.50 euro!
[2/27/2011 11:13:40 AM] Katie Symington: aww!
[2/27/2011 11:18:28 AM] Troy Symington: Hey, I'm actually talking to mom who just called me, so I'm gonna go now!
[2/27/2011 11:18:39 AM] Katie Symington: adios!
[2/27/2011 11:18:45 AM] Troy Symington: Love ya!
[2/27/2011 11:18:54 AM] Katie Symington: love you too!
[2/27/2011 11:18:57 AM] Katie Symington: Have fun!
[3/1/2011 3:23:21 PM] Katie Symington: Troy-o!
[3/1/2011 3:25:07 PM] Troy Symington: Katie! ...o? I'm going to ignore you because it's getting late over here and I'm finishing up homework. I'll talk to ya later, okay?
[3/1/2011 3:25:42 PM] Katie Symington: Sounds good, I'm reading an article and I leave for my afternoon class in forty-five minutes. Love you!
[3/1/2011 3:26:03 PM] Troy Symington: Love!
[3/2/2011 7:53:43 AM] Katie Symington: hi!
[3/2/2011 7:54:10 AM] Troy Symington: Yo
[3/2/2011 7:54:35 AM] Katie Symington: sup?
[3/2/2011 7:56:10 AM] Troy Symington: Just got home from Italian class. Sitting down writing music and thinking about doing homework already because we're going to some friend's house for dinner!
[3/2/2011 7:56:29 AM] Katie Symington: Accent friends or Italian friends? Have you made Italian friends?
[3/2/2011 7:58:25 AM] Troy Symington: Accent friends. We've made some italian acquaintences, but not really friends. We've made a Swiss friend though!
[3/2/2011 7:58:30 AM] Katie Symington: ooooh how?
[3/2/2011 7:58:58 AM] Troy Symington: She's in the Accent program.
[3/2/2011 7:59:51 AM] Katie Symington: excellent. Tell me something exciting.
[3/2/2011 8:02:47 AM] Troy Symington: Ummmmmm... I just ate this awesome Pizza Ripiendo which is a layered pizza thing that was full of sausage and some weird vegetable that tasted oddly like brussel sprouts. It was from this tiny food stand on the way home from school that we always go to because it's cheap, filling, and delicious.
[3/2/2011 8:03:14 AM] Katie Symington: I want some! I want a calzone
[3/2/2011 8:03:39 AM] Troy Symington: Ha, the calzones over here are HUGE.
[3/2/2011 8:04:41 AM] Katie Symington: YUM
[3/2/2011 8:04:45 AM] Katie Symington: Did you see the latest himym?
[3/2/2011 8:04:53 AM] Katie Symington: with the calzone?
[3/2/2011 8:08:20 AM] Katie Symington: yo!
[3/2/2011 8:13:18 AM] Katie Symington: Let me introduce you to a concept. It is called "brb". You use it when you are going to disappear randomly.
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